Become a CEH Provider

Organizations that provide recurring courses and events may want to consider becoming a TECUnit CEH Provider. CEH Providers offer courses or presentations that: 1) are at an appropriate level for nationally certified CLTs to maintain or advance their skills; and 2) are offered more than once. Since the same course is offered multiple times, organizations can save time and money not having requesting CEH approval each time the event is offered.


CEH Providers pay a $150 yearly subscription fee and $25 one-time application fee (CEH Request for Recurring Event) per course. Once approved, each course remains a CEH Sponsored Event as long as the Provider continues to pay the annual subscription fee and so long as the course content is not altered more than 25%.

For more information, contact us as or call us at the phone number provided below.

  • A sponsor is an organization that requests approval for CEHs for a one-time event. Its status as a sponsor is temporary. A CEH Provider is an organization that offers recurring events that retain CEH approval as part of a subscription service with the TECUnit.

  • When an organization relinquishes its status as a CEH Provider, its approved CEH courses lose their approval. In order to be offered for CEHs, each event must be submitted again.

  • No. A major change like delivery method is significant. Any substantive changes to a course after approval (more than 25% of content) require resubmission for approval.