Recurring Events

The following information is only for organizations that subscribe to the CEH Provider Program. If your organization does not already subscribe is looking to offer CEHs for a one-time event, you should apply for CEHs as an event Sponsor. If your organization offers courses and presentations multiple times, you may wish to become a CEH Provider.

Adding a New Event to Your Catalog

In order to add a new CEH to your catalog of approved CEH events, you must be currently subscribed as a CEH Provider.

STEP 1: Submit a CEH Request for a Recurring Event. The first time your organization offers a recurring event, you must submit it CEH approval at least two weeks before the event’s start date.


STEP 2: CEH Providers pay a one-time fee to have an event reviewed for CEHs. Once approved the event may be offered an unlimited number of time for CEHs without the need to resubmit an application for approval or for additional payment as long as the organization’s subscription as a CEH Provider remains current and provided that the event’s content does not change more than 25%.


Notification of an Already-Approved Recurring CEH Event

As a CEH Provider, your organization can offer a CEH event that has already been approved without submitting an application or paying any additional fees. You simply need to notify the TECUnit at least one (1) week prior to the event start date each time the event will take place.

This is an essential part of the Certification Maintenance Program (CMP) process for tracking each individual CLT’s progress in their continuing education.

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  • Yes. Significant changes to course delivery require resubmission for approval.

  • All annual fees are due by June 30th. CECH Providers may pay with a late fee between July 1 and July 30th. If no payment is made by July 30th, the subscription lapses.

  • When your subscription lapses, your organization is no longer a CEH Provider. Your catalog of approved courses expires and you will need to resubmit them for review as CEH Sponsored Events.

  • If the content of your course changes more than 20%, you must resubmit.

    Additionally, here are some guiding questions to help you know when its time to resubmit as a new course:

    Was the content changed so that participants would have different material different to work with?

    Will participants expect to earn CEHs for more than one occurrence in the same cycle as if these are different courses?

    Will previous attendees return because they have changed and may approach the same material in a new way or are they returning as a natural continuation of the previous occurrence?

    Have you changed the name of the course to imply a progression (e.g., Level I and Level II)?

    Has the number of instructional hours changed?

  • No. The number of overall CEHs for a course cannot change for different occurrences. Each would need to be submitted as a different version of the course to the TECUnit for approval.