Sponsor a CEH Event

An organization may request to have their event or course approved for CEHs. The course or event must be an appropriate level for a nationally certified CLT to maintain or advance their skills and/or knowledge.


Organizations must complete an Application for a Sponsored CEH Event and with non-refundable payment of $50. This fee can be made by check payable to the TECUnit and sent to the address below. You may also pay by credit card through our online payment platform.

Organizations who host a sponsored event are required to: include the CEH Logo on advising, return completed Participant Forms to the TECUnit, and to provide each participant with a proof of attendance certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A sponsor is an organization that requests CEHs for a single event. A CEH Provider is an organization that subscribes annually to provide ongoing recurring coursework without reapplying for CEHs each time the same course is offered.

  • A sponsored course or event has a set start and end date for one cohort of attendees. That means the event could be a two-hour lecture, a one-day workshop, or a six-week course, etc. However, if the event is held multiple times for different audiences, each event for a different audience is considered a separate event. CEH approval for a Sponsored Event only covers one full occurrence of an event for one audience.

  • When an event is sponsored for CEHs, any number of nationally certified CLTs may earn CEHs for successfully completing the course.

  • A request for hold a CEH sponsored event may only be requested by the organization sponsoring the event. Individuals may not request CEH approval to have an event sponsored.

    However, there is a separate process for CLTs to request individual CEHs for an unsponsored event they wish to attend.

  • Yes. Instructors might plan, prepare, coordinate, lead, and provide feedback for CEH events. For these reasons, the primary instructors/ facilitators listed on the CEH Request form may ear 1.5x the total number of approved CEHs. Each primary instructor should complete a Participant Form for themselves and adjust the number of hours in the For Sponsor Use Only table below.