About the Raters
Raters are typically recruited from candidates who earn top scores for a particular test. Each is given specialized training to ensure a high level of intrarater reliability (scores for that rater remain consistent over time) and interrater reliability (scores among different raters are consistent). Rater performance is tracked over time to maintain quality.
Since its foundation, the TECUnit has employed both deaf and hearing raters. We believe that the profession of cued language transliteration must be guided by both the deaf consumers and the practitioners who serve them. Our pool of raters is representative of the cueing community and draws from around the country.
The testing mechanisms and rating tools have been designed to ensure a high level of consistency between raters and that each rater stays consistent over time. Raters also have specialized training in accents and dialects. Tests are rated based on the accent of the source, not the rater. In other words, the CAECS-E is rated based on the dialect of the candidate. The CLTNCE is rated based on the dialects of the speakers in the various performance tasks.
Each submission is scored independently by two raters who send reports with feedback to our office to be compiled. If a discrepancy occurs a third rater is brought in to ensure fair and accurate scoring. Rater performance is tracked over time and additional training and monitoring may be prescribed if a pattern of discrepancies should arise.